Fedora 101 - Scarves & Fedoras


Fedoras were worn as early as the late 1800s. This headpiece earned its name from an 1882 play written by Sarah Bernhardt and played by dramatist Victorien Sardou Fedora. This play was first performed in the US in 1889. During the play, Bernhardt played Princess Fedora, the heroine of the play. During the play, she wore a center creased, soft brimmed hat.  The hat was fashionable and women's right movement adopted it as a symbol. In 1924, it became popular among men for its stylishness and its ability to protect the crown from windy, rainy, sunny or cold weather.

During the 1920s the fedora was often associated with Prohibition and gangsters. Today, the Fedora is a fashion statement loved by many!



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