
Showing posts from August, 2022

Fedora 101 - Scarves & Fedoras

  FEDORA 101 Fedoras were worn as early as the late 1800s. This headpiece earned its name from an 1882 play written by Sarah Bernhardt and played by dramatist Victorien Sardou Fedora. This play was first performed in the US in 1889. During the play, Bernhardt played Princess Fedora, the heroine of the play. During the play, she wore a center creased, soft brimmed hat.  The hat was fashionable and women's right movement adopted it as a symbol. In 1924, it became popular among men for its stylishness and its ability to protect the crown from windy, rainy, sunny or cold weather. During the 1920s the fedora was often associated with Prohibition and gangsters. Today, the Fedora is a fashion statement loved by many! scarvesandfedoras

Tips to Reshape a Damaged Fedora - Scarves & Fedoras

TIPS TO RESHAPE A DAMAGED FEDORA Accidents happen when you least expect it and bam, your prized hat loses its shape. Smashed brims, dented crowns require reshaping. Using steam to get things moving is a great start, but be sure to use these tips to snap your hat back into shape: Use both hands to guide steamed sections of the hat back where they need to be. You can use an open palm for large sections and your fingers to focus in on smaller parts.  Check the overall shape of the fedora periodically while reshaping so that the general shape keeps moving in the right direction.  The brim is a classic element of the fedora. Make sure you know the style of your brim before reshaping it so it ends up looking like new!   For felt hats that require reshaping of the brim, you can steam the brim but make sure it is heated evenly and work your way around the hat until it's back to its original shape. scarvesandfedoras